
  • Religious Response to Hunger

    Religious Response to Hunger

    In late September, early October, we join together with houses of worship in the Manchester area and respond to the on-going need for food security in New Hampshire.

    Collecting non-perishable food items which will eventually be taken to the NH Food Bank, we are able to make a large donation through this cooperative effort.  The start date of this initiative will be announced in the Auburn Village Crier.

    You can join us in supporting this important endeavor by stopping by our collection station with a non-perishable food item. 


  • Sleep in Heavenly Peace

    Sleep in Heavenly Peace

    October brings a new mission to Longmeadow.  Along with the Derry Rotary Club, members of our congregation will volunteer to make beds for children who are without one.  The organization we’ll be supporting is “Sleep in Heavenly Peace”.  Whether you’re a builder, sander, screwer of screws, or expert in bringing water to volunteers, there is a job for everyone!

     From the organization:

    "At SHP, we fully believe that a bed is a basic need for the proper physical, emotional and mental support that a child needs. When it was brought to our attention that the need for beds went far beyond our own neighborhoods, we stepped up and took initiative. We’re a national organization answering the call to a national problem. 

    You can join us by volunteering a few hours on a Saturday in October to help with the construction of beds for children.

  • Scarves in the Park

    Scarves in the Park

    This ministry began when the Longmeadow congregation decided to help the homeless by knitting/crocheting scarves for the homeless of Manchester.  The ministry grew when the citizens of Auburn joined us to also make scarves & hats for this project.  We have had nearly 400 scarves some years, all of which were lovingly hung on the fence of Victory Park in Manchester for those in need.  In recent years, city ordinances have changed in Manchester, preventing us from leaving the scarves in the park, so now they are distributed to charities around the city that can get them to those who might need extra warmth during the winter.

    You can join us by knitting or crocheting a scarf or two to keep a soul warmer during the cold winter months.  Yarn is often available at the church.

  • Thanksgiving Gift Cards

    During November, the Longmeadow congregation gathers grocery store gift cards that are then passed along to families in Auburn that might need some extra help putting a Thanksgiving dinner together.  All gift cards are in $25 increments and can be from any major grocery store in the Auburn vicinity.  Watch the Auburn Village Crier for the start date of this campaign.

    You can join us by donating a $25 gift card to help make someone’s Thanksgiving a little brighter.

  • Holy Joe's Cafe

    We support those serving in our military in February by donating to this organization, where military personnel worldwide can get a free cup of coffee and a place to relax.

    You can join us by dropping a few coins in the donation jar at our February and March community breakfast.

  • Chester Food Bank

    June - The month of Dads and Grads is the time of year when we support the Food Banks that directly serves Auburn residents.

    You can join us by helping donate items for this organization-look for details in the Village Crier.

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